Sunday, October 7, 2007

Spencer Pratt Is Ugly And The Devil

So I have a guilty pleasure I must admit to....The Hills. I can't help it. Even though they give away the entire plot of each episode in the commercial for the episode, I'm still suckered into watching. That new show, Newport Beach, is a different story though- it's absolutely horrible. The kids are annoying and I feel wayyyy too old to be watching high school kids talking about the prom. But the Hills, hooks me. Mostly, I enjoy hating Spencer Pratt. He's just so evil and manipulative and I definitely think he was the one who spread the Lauren/Jason rumors. Anyway, Spencer was never good looking to begin with. Check out his skinny pale unattractive beach stroll with a too disproportionate Heidi (I don't like her either):

However, I guess Spencer didn't think his ugly head hair was enough, so he decided to grow hideous facial hair too:

Does he or Heidi seriously think the facial hair looks good?

Now that I think about it, the ugly facial hair does kinda match his personality:

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Milana said...
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